I recently joked that my last birthday felt less like a celebration and more like a count down. My audience was visibly disturbed by this grim remark. After all, if you have a positive attitude, you will live forever. After all, if you deny the existence of death, deny your own looming mortality and deny the obvious decline of your body, you will live forever. I prefer to embrace the inevitable, befriend it, laugh at it and laugh with it. For me growing old comfortably means growing comfortable with death. Not afraid, not shocked, not in a state of exhausting denial. This does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that I have given up on life, but it does mean that I live each day fully aware of the fact that I'm aging and am significantly closer to death than I am to birth. I'm careful to love, to be kind, to be generous, to be honest and to do my best to add beauty and love to the world each and every day so that when the count down hits blast off, there is nothing to regret. I may fail in my endeavors to do everything right, but never let it be said that I didn't try my best; and having tried my best by the end of each day, I no longer fear death.