Cowardly and misguided gay and gay-friendly activists and politicians around town are blabbering on and on about the two horrific anti-gay attacks that occurred just a few blocks south of my home and a couple of blocks west of my office.
These recent extremely violent and near fatal gay bashings scare the crap out of me, but the thugs behind these disgusting incidents are not the problem. The problem is that even in "gay-friendly" New York City we treat bigotry, hate-mongering and gay child abuse as a politically and religiously viable point of view.
Idiot sports fans and drunks spilling out of Madison Square Garden, Penn Station and the local bars are at best foot soldiers of an established network of criminals who crusade daily against equality, tolerance and love-- criminals who call us abominations, criminals who consign gay children to homelessness and despair, criminals who threaten and promise crimes against humanity. And then we are suprised when some of their minions actually do their bidding?
The discussion should focus on Cardinal Dolan, a wasp's nest of passionately gay-bashing black and Hispanic clergy who rally their mindless faithful every Sunday, and elected Republican politicians who pop up like festering sores in Staten Island and Queens.
Pit Bulls are not the problem, the problem is their human trainers.
The morons who beat those poor gay boys to a bloody pulp can proudly boast that their actions were validated and encouraged by a robust number of our own civic and "religious" leaders. Demanding justice has nothing to do with arresting and prosecuting these poor miguided souls; it has to do with shutting down the officially-sanctioned machinery of institutionalized hate that is as active in this city as it is anywhere else in this dysfunctional country.
As long as the likes of Cardinal Dolan are not shut down, there will always be a fresh supply of rabid dogs sniffing us out.