As the last vestiges of American bullyism are swept out of Iraq, we would do well to reflect on our future as a nation. We are no longer the most democratic, the most free, the most literate, the most compassionate or the healthiest nation on earth. We are no longer a beacon for the moral high ground. Our hypocrisy is on daily global display as Christian extremism continues to move Congress and the Supreme Court away from the secular and humanist principles of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And other than a golden age of gay rights which is mostly centered in individual regions and states, it's time to start facing the historical evidence of a failed, ineffective and embarrassing Obama presidency. We are just a few more stumbles away from having a Christian extremist in the White House and a Christian extremist majority in the Senate setting an unchecked fascist course in a post-2016 world. The current situation in Iraq is clearly a metaphor for the state and future of American democracy. The only question that matters at this point is whether or not we are capable as a nation of accepting non-partisan blame for this mess--both in Iraq and in the U.S. and then working together as a once again unified people to reboot an America that once again can stand as a beacon for human rights. Our future depends on a responsible, informed and compassionate majority that votes.