Andrew Sullivan is no friend of the gay community, but he's a great friend of himself. And he's something of a media darling in the mainstream: a conservative gay man.
Would it be too cynical of me to think that Mr. Sullivan takes positions and makes statements more designed to ingratiate himself with the mainstream media than in support of his own community?
As cliche as it may be, I'm a great believer in action over words--despite the fact that wordsmithing is both my vocation and avocation. I am impressed by those among us, politicians, advocates, activists and friends who "practice what they preach." And when in comes to politicians I always look at their deeds and only heed their words when they are clearly hypocritical, obfuscating and misleading.
Yesterday, Mr. Sullivan put his gay power behind Barack Obama as if Obama's South Carolina act of betrayal never happened.
Mr. Sullivan writes:
"As always, couched with others, but since I've razzed her for the usual cowardice on the subject (and expect nothing from her on gay rights if elected president), I should note it. But there is no comparison with Obama. Check out his candid response to Russert yesterday:
I've talked to African-American ministers. There's a problem of homophobia in the African-American community. I will go into churches, I will go into meetings with ministers and say, "I disagree with you on these issues. This is not how I interpret my faith." But the fact that we're having a conversation, I think, allows the possibly that I will change their minds, make them more tolerant of these issues. They may not agree with me on this, but ultimately, it allows me to bridge some of the cultural divisions that have, I think, prevented us from making progress in this country for so long.
My italics. Clinton would never, ever say such a thing. Then this from Obama:
I would, as president, make absolutely certain that all federal laws pertaining to married couples [pertain to] same-sex couples who have civil unions as well."
These are fine words and I suppose because Mr. Obama is male and awfully pretty we must believe him. After all, these fine words came out of Obama's lovely ever-so-kissable mouth.
But Obama's South Carolina 40 Days Of Faith & Family Gospel tour along side a virulently anti-gay ex-gay minister tells a very different story. Would diversity-Obama stand alongside slavery-advocating white supremacists, Nazis and fascists who have a legitimate alternative point of view that needs to included in the conversation? Likely not, but for hypocrite-vote-hungry Obama, an ex-gay homophobe is a very different kind of creature.
Obama's actions in this situation speak to us clearly: Obama believes homosexuality as a choice is a legitimate option, he believes that queers as an abomination is a legitimate option and it's clear that Obama will say and do whatever it takes to cleave off a percentage of votes from the naive and inattentive among Evangelicals, queers and any other potential voter base. And with influencers like Andrew Sullivan and Rev. Donnie McClurkin beside and behind him, Obama may just succeed in this strategy.
As for Andrew Sullivan. I suppose we should expect nothing less from an influential gay man who--in defiance of science, fact and reason--advocates bare-backing and seresorting, an advocacy that has likely contributed to an increased rate of new drug-resistant strains of various sexually transmitted diseases and new HIV infections in San Francisco, New York and other major gay urban areas. Let us pray that Mr. Sullivan's self-serving and illogical words of wisdom do not have the same impact on national politics.
How friggin dare anyone out there make fun of Andrew, after all he has been through. He lost his looks, he got married. he's got two friggin dogs. His President turned out to be a user, a cheater, and now he's trying to promote his new book . All you people care about is….. readers and wasting time reading him . HE’S A HUMAN! What you don’t realize is that Andrew is making all this money and all you do is write a bunch of crap about him. She hasn’t performed well in years. His book is called “CONSERVATIVE SOUL” for a reason because all you people want is MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE OF HIS SOUL. LEAVE HIM ALONE! You are lucky he even writes for you BASTARDS! LEEEAVE ANDREW ALLLLLONE!…..Please. "At Your Own Risk" talked about " Friends" and said if Andrew was a "Friend of the Gayz" he would’ve called Obama out no matter what. Speaking of friends, when is it friendly to publically bash someone who is going through a hard time. Leave Andy Alone Please…. Leave Andrew Sullivan alone…right now….I mean it. Anyone that has a problem with him you deal with me, beacuse she is not well right now. leave him alone...
Posted by: The Enemy | Tuesday, 13 November 2007 at 01:40 PM
To "The Enemy" poster----------
GOOD one!
Thanks for the laugh.
Posted by: Markpat | Tuesday, 13 November 2007 at 05:16 PM
What Markpat said.
Posted by: Kenneth Hill | Tuesday, 13 November 2007 at 11:45 PM