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Thursday, 13 December 2007



At some point we have to ask just what the hell is going on in that church, and is it representative of all evangelical churches in the US?

You have the head guy (no kneepad jokes, please) getting caught with his pants down, and now a nutjob shoots up the place and blames it on the fact that the very Rev. Haggard got a free boy-doing pass from Jesus, but he didn't. This begins to smell like a bigger, more putrid mess than just another hypocrite televangelist.

And that woman in the sensible shoes who was packing heat at church, and claimed to have shot him dead but actually didn't, well, that ads a whole extra level of GBLT weirdness.

Maybe this will finally be the year the wheels completely come off the religious right's bandwagon.

David Ehrenstein

I was waiting for the other Prada slipper to drop -- and here it is!

Why isn't Anderson Cooper interviewing Ted Haggard on CNN right this minute?


I'm not sure how you can be so confident about his state of mind.

There will always be losers who can't get a date, particularly str8 men with anger management issues--why is this guy not part of that crowd.

Mathew Shepard was a victim, not a perp. His killers were str8 and looking for an easy target for robbery.

Haggard was formally forgiven but had to give up his position and left town. In other words, he was kicked out too. However, the congregation was obviously so embarrassed about Haggard that they had to publicly support him to hide their shame--how could they forgive themselves otherwise?

Mark Foley was an alcoholic who like 'em young but did not seem particularly self-loathing or hypocritical compared to the likes of Larry Craig and others who still deny the obvious.

I think the fear is that gay=no sex with women, so str8 guys are paranoid about their chances if they were tagged with the label. Thus, the macho bravado prevails, guns and all.


Purchasing a gun and ammunition is American and protected by the 2nd ammendment of the Constitution which is an uniquely American document.


"At least in Iran, the executions of gay men are swift. In the United States we prefer to slowly drive our gay children insane so that they grow up to be monsters."

Amen, Brother!

Ninja Pirate

Murray wrote, "... I can never get a female date. I am at least able to get some male action."

This guy could never hold a stable relationship. The only reason he was "gay" was because that's the only community where someone like himself could ease his biological urges in complete anonymity.


I just had to add one more creepy thing to this story. The woman who claimed she shot Matthew Murray was on the local news here in Colorado Springs AKA, the City of Brotherly Hate. She was recapping the incident and telling everyone how she prayed to god to help steady her hand. Apparently her god helps her kill people! How strange...I also wanted to thank you for having such a n astute writing style, you inspire me. Keep up the good work!


I just had to add one more creepy thing to this story. The woman who claimed she shot Matthew Murray was on the local news here in Colorado Springs AKA, the City of Brotherly Hate. She was recapping the incident and telling everyone how she prayed to god to help steady her hand. Apparently her god helps her kill people! How strange...I also wanted to thank you for having such a n astute writing style, you inspire me. Keep up the good work!


While the woman who shot Murray was praying for god to "steady her hand", another woman (interviewed on the Today Show on NBC) was praying that god would bring the gunman peace. Either god was really confused by all those conflicting prayers or he answered them all by bringing peace in the form of a bullet to the head.

However, seeeing as the Christian God knows the past, present and future with absolute certainty and is also all powerful, he not only knew what was going to happen in advance, he planned it. In that context, prayer seems somewhat irrelevant.


A few more stories like this might make gay bashers think twice before they act. Personally, I think Matthew is a Hero. Yes, violence is never the right answer, but sometimes evolution just doesn't work fast enough with these evangelicals.


Nothing good comes from evangelical christianity. Sanctimonious religiosity of any kind is odious.

They perpetuate dysfunction by imposing the suppression of reality.

Pecos Bill

Papers are saying now that he killed himself. I guess "God" steadied her hand but as she failed to ask for aim, he didn't bother. She did manage to hit him twice in the thigh and once in the wrist. cf. Denver Post.

Jeff Barea

Yet again there is some bizarre explanation.

Rejection, anger, ex-gay, money - THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR MURDER!

What problem do you have with that?

Sure, everyone can understand the frustration of being dumped, being misled, being whatever.

There is NEVER an excuse for murder - and those who have fought for hate crimes laws should NEVER act as if there is any, and by providing any reasoning behind murder you are doing that, justification for murder.

Christians spit on you because you are bi or gay, suck it up. Murder IS NEVER an option.

So stop being hypocritical by claiming murder because someone is gay should be punished harder and then rationalizing and apologizing or "understanding" murder of anti-gay christians.



It's interesting how quickly the Media have stopped reporting on this one. CNN would rather talk about "Drew Peterson" 24/7 and other insignificant crap. Stories like this always seem to get buried.


Hey Jeff I don't think anyone is excusing these murders. They are trying to explain the "motive" for the killings. It's a shame that this ex-gay shit is offered as a solution for those coming to terms with their sexuality. It's not easy being told that you are doomed to "eternal damnation" for "choosing to be queer."

taylor Siluwé

anon ... Yes Matthew Shepard was a "victim not a perp", and yes his assailants were looking for an easy target to rob. But does that explain his brutal murder? No. They'd already robbed him. He was murdered because of an innate belief that 'fags' are bad and they don't matter. It was his very being they loathed. Matthew Murray was clearly dealing with the same loathing.

The ex-gay movement; homophobic religious leaders; sanctimonius Christians who say 'love the sinner but hate the sin' -- while at the same time saying sex with one you're not married to is a sin and yet forbidding us the right to participate in that holy union -- all conspire to feed this innate belief and thus inspire the violence that ensues. Their archiac beliefs and insistence on bestowing their view of morality on society make them as guilty as if they'd put the gun in his hand.

I feel sorry for the families of the dead, but I hope they take this as a wake up call. I doubt it though. Sadly, its just another reason for them to despise gay people even more.

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