What's the best way to insult your fellow Muslim? Call him a fag, I suppose. I think it's even worse than calling him a Jew. Maybe? Not sure.
The Moroccan government has lumped Iranians and homosexuals together as a combined threat to the security of the Moroccan nation--something that would upset me if not for the fact that it must be driving Ahmadinejad insane.
At least, I hope so.
Allah Akbar! (That's what Islamists shout right before they take it up the ass...or blow themselves up...I forget which.)
Morocco's Suni dominated government is cracking down on these two minorities--homosexuals and Shiites--they believe post a great and equal threat to the "sanctity, health and security" of the Moroccan state.
I see their point about fags; after all we washed away New Orleans, caused global warming and will soon have destroyed the traditional American family.
God, I'm exhausted!
This "romantic" and "exotic" North African country of Hollywood movie legend recently passed a whole new slew of censorship and "containment" laws designed to "narrow the scope of personal freedom for Shia Muslims and gays.
First, Morocco ended diplomatic ties with Iran, stating that Iran was spreading Shia Islam within Morocco. Morocco believes Iran to be a prominent state sponsor of terrorism and Islamism. In fact, shortly after this move, Moroccan authorities went on to arrest several Moroccans for converting to Shia Islam. An Iraqi school in Rabat was closed following parents’ complaints that the school promoted Shia Islam. Foreign Minister Taeib Fassi Fihri criticized Moroccan associations seeking to develop Shia Islam in the country, allegedly with Iranian support: “Morocco cannot accept that activities of this type be conducted, directly or indirectly, or via a so-called nongovernmental organization.” He called it an “attack on the foundations” of the country and on the “cement” of Malekite Islam, the form of Sunni Islam prevalent in Morocco.
In the same breath, the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior issued a statement: “Certain media are taking a stand for certain ignominious behaviors, which is a provocation for the national public opinion. Any act contrary to moral or religious values will be repressed.”
An anonymous ministry official told The New York Times that this was a reference to newspapers that had advocated greater tolerance for homosexuality.
A wave of police raids on bars, clubs and private homes followed rounding up men suspected of lisping, wincing and prancing.
Despite this warning, the Moroccan gay rights group “Kifkif” is planning a conference in Marrakesh. Member Samir Barkachi said: “In Morocco, even tolerant people don't like the idea of being involved with a gay association. Our Marrakesh meeting aims to change this pejorative attitude towards homosexuality. It's a small meeting but we aim to make ourselves heard. We're going to talk about sex—in Morocco there’s no sex education.”
Hmmm. Sounds like Texas?
Kifkif will agitate against Paragraph 489 of the Moroccan Penal Code, which forbids gay sex: “It’s a dangerous law that was put in place during Colonialism. We’re demanding that it be revised. The law has no right to interfere with what people get up to in bed." Article 6 of the constitution of Morocco guarantees freedom of religion (while establishing Islam as the state religion); article 9 protects freedom of expression and association (while noting that such liberties may be limited by law).
I've already shot off an email to Ahmadinejad to see if he'd like to invade Morocco with me and a few of my friends. I'm sure he'll get back to me. I'm everything he loves in one great big pudgy bundle: Jewish, an atheist and an insatiable appetite for fresh Islamic dick.