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Tuesday, 15 September 2009



Arguments against ENDA (

ENDA has raised concerns over alleged conflicts between gay rights and religious freedoms. Judith Moldover explained that "The conflict between sexual orientation discrimination and the duty to accommodate religious bias against homosexuals typically arises in three types of situations: refusal to service homosexual clients, refusal to participate in diversity programs and training, and supervisory conduct."

Some opponents say that groups such as Christian book stores would be forced to either close or hire employees who do not share the basic teachings of their faith. Rep. George Miller (D-CA) has introduced an amendment to ENDA that expands the religious exemption to include all business claiming religious objections regardless of tax status.[citation needed]

Some opponents of the law also argue, in opposition to available scientific studies, that "sexual preference" is a choice. They say the law creates a protected class that "promotes" homosexuality and negatively affects their interpretation of family values.


I felt readers of your blog needed to know what people who argue against ENDA are saying--it only adds to exactly what your saying. I don't quote wikipedia though.

You would need a bold journalist to write about separation of church and state and a ballsy supervising editor to run that article.

Alan down in Florida

As our ineffectual Congress is proving daily they couldn't pass gas after a jalapeno sandwich.

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