Extraordinary history will unfold over the next few weeks in the wake of the Massachusetts revolution. We will watch Republican cocks crowing and that is to be expected. They will proclaim that they have recaptured America's love. After 8 years of Bush horrors, America forgives and forgets after one year of Obama incompetence. Of course this is a ridiculous assumption and an embarrassment to the intelligence of the American people. Nonetheless such will be the Republican claim as they grossly and dishonestly exaggerate and twist the truth--vultures taking credit for a carcass they did not kill.
At the same time too many Democrats will blame an incompetent Senatorial candidate as they retreat from their own truth.
But what the world will see--and what Obama must see if he is to survive beyond 2012--is that betraying your voter base, compromising your values, lying to voters and spending your days pandering to the opposition and turning your back on leadership and ethics is the work of incompetent gutless boobs--and progressive and independent Massachusetts voters voted against boobs, liars and hypocrites.
And what a wonderful world it would be, if both parties would face the truth and deal in reality for a change. Ain't gonna happen, but a man can dream.
The Massachusetts "shocker" was very simply Obama's voter based sending him a clear warning: Stop lying to us, show leadership and deliver on the progressive programs you swore to honor during your campaign.
The most Democratic of Democratic states, Massachusetts did not suddenly go Republican--and if the Republicans continue to claim so, they will just look more stupid and ridiculous than they already do--which is hard to imagine.
Massachusetts voters used the opportunity of Ted Kennedy's death to ring a warning bell.
Instead of CHANGE, Mr. Obama, you've given us the same old hypocrisy, compromise and incompetence that has been the way of Washington for way too long.
Instead of equality and a repaired post-Bush democracy, you have furthered the cause of theocracy.
Instead of delivering health care reform to the American people, you have delivered more income and business opportunities to the insurance industry and a globally embarrassing health care system that looks for the most profitable patients, kicking the sickest and the most vulnerable into the gutter.
Massachusetts has yet again delivered a shot heard round the world--but will either party hear it?
Will Obama and the Democrats heed that warning and start leading America into the progressive future promised during the campaign of 2008?
The White House and the Democrats must now fight tooth and nail for a public option that will lay the foundation for truly humane and universal health care, they must go to war over ending DADT and DOMA, and they must openly declare their support for an ENDA purged of exemptions for organized religion.
Without the 60 Senatorial super majority, Democrats may fail to pass all of this, but a courageous and relentless demonstration of leadership, progressivism and ethics will pay off in 2010 and even more importantly in 2012.
But a continuation of compromises, indecisiveness and betrayal will result in a one term president and a crumbled democracy.
If Obama does not heed the Massachusetts warning bell, he will have turned King's "Dream" into a nightmare.
The GOP will claim that Massachusetts is a stop sign for Democrats. They will be very wrong. Massachusetts is a get off your gutless asses and deliver on your promises and stop pandering to those fucking morons who nearly destroyed this nation during the Bush Administration.
If Obama pursues more compromise in response to Massachusetts, he and his Democrats are done--and sadly so are gay rights. Done. Obama needs to take the opportunity of his State of the Union Address and apologize to his voter base for so badly screwing up. He needs to respond to Massachusetts by telling the Republican fools to get the fuck out of his way and then he needs to show leadership and relentlessly crusade to deliver on his election platform--no ifs, ands or buts.
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