Ex-gays and Evangelicals are like jealous petulant brats. If we have it, they want it. So if gays get bashed, ex-gays want bashing as well. I'm happy to let them have bashing. Enjoy!
According to several ex-gay groups, ex-gays are " getting pummeled and victimized by verbal to violent attacks." In fact, claims one group, the fact that ex-gays are getting bashed proves that ex-gays exist. (I don't follow that logic either--I'm just reporting it. But it seems that bashing is existence-affirming--nothing makes you feel as ex-gay as a queer punch in the nose.)
According to one ex-gay leader, "Homosexual activist groups long have denied that ex-"gays" exist and have charged those ministries that work with the needs of those desiring to leave the lifestyle are fraudulent. But attacks on those who have left the [homosexual] lifestyle, or are trying to, go far beyond verbal denigration, according to those who have experienced it, including Joe and Marion Allen. Their son Bart was in the process of leaving the homosexual lifestyle in 2001 when the "gay" with whom he'd shared an apartment strangled and killed him."
Hell hath no fury like a gay scorned by an ex-gay!
This tragic incident of domestic violence convinced the victims parents, Mom and Pop Allen, that the reason more homosexuals aren't being reborn in Jesus is fear of losing their lives at the hands of spiteful gays.
Hoping to teach Mathew Shepard's mother a thing or two, the Allens now run a ministry called Hope for the Broken Heart. They speak at conferences for the ex-"gay" ministry Exodus International "simply because they cannot be silent about the tragedy in their family, and they want to help others avoid a similar result."
The Allens want America to know that homosexuals are murdering men and women who turn their backs on the homosexual agenda. Apparently, we queers believe that once you've been recruited and signed on the dotted line, it's until death do us part--kind of like the Mafia! Omerta!
Mrs. Allen recently told the Christian press that "Bart [her soon to be ex-gay son] was in the process of trying to come away from this, and was just involved with a sick, sick man. Bart was wanting help. Thank goodness our child was a believer. He did love the Lord and he was miserable. He knew what the Scriptures said about it," she said.
At one point, prior to his death, Bart had gone for professional counseling. Unfortunately Bart had gone for professional counseling rather than ex-gay counseling and the psychologist gave him "a death sentence," explains Mom. "She told him that he was born gay. My son was devastated. His psychologist told him that we, his parents, were doing him an injustice by telling him this was wrong and he needed to go on back [to the homosexual lifestyle]," she said.
Her son did go back, but still couldn't accept his own lifestyle choices any longer, and finally demanded that his lover leave the apartment.
"He was trying to make a break and he wanted help. He [Bart] called him from our house, and told him [to move out]," she said. Her son asked the apartment building managers to change his locks, but they declined, assuring him the keys could not be duplicated.
"We don't know [what happened]. The police told us Bart was asleep. He [the attacker] got in and strangled him to death with his hands and a dog leash," Mrs. Allen said.
The Allens are angry that the murder of ex-gays by vengeful gays is not being widely reported. "While violence rising to the level of homicide is not reported a great deal, the lower levels of harassment and badgering are growing, according those who have experienced or witnessed it."
A Christian news service recently issued a report on the rising--but FBI ignored--incidence of ex-gay bashing across America. Among some of the examples cited:
- Officials at a New England organization have reported that members of a transgender lobby have promised to shadow grandmothers and others who will be collecting petition signatures on a traditional marriage amendment plan this summer. Grannies! Grannies stalked by evil transgenders!
- Actions by members of the homosexual community recently prompted the American Psychiatric Association to cancel what was to be a discussion of the lifestyle.
- And prominent leaders of the homosexual community have stated that only they benefit from hate crimes laws, those laws that enhance a penalty for crimes already covered by other statutes based on the thoughts that accompany the criminal act.
The Allens connected with the Exodus International Ministry and have been working through them and through their own project to offer santuary to those who want guidance.
"I guess you never get over things, of course, but it has been almost seven years. We still cry," she said, referring to the death of her son as he fled East Berlin---oops, I mean the homosexual lifestyle.
Regina Griggs, the executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX), said her organization and staff members repeatedly have been attacked simply because of their message: that there are such individuals as former homosexuals.
"Some attacks have been physical, such as the 2007 incident at the Arlington County Fair."
According to Ms. Griggs: "One police officer told me he was on patrol at the fair when a woman approached him and told him a man had knocked over pamphlets at the PFOX booth and assaulted another man there. The officer then spoke to the alleged victim. He did not want to press charges and therefore no written report was filed," said a statement issued by John Lisle, media relations officer for the Arlington County police department.
"But based on the description the officer was given, he located the suspect at the fair. Another officer escorted that gentleman off the fair grounds," his statement continued.
The result of the situation? Pro-homosexual activists vigorously condemned Griggs for "making up" the story when she alerted supporters about the situation.
"Regina Griggs has lost all credibility and must resign in shame for her dishonest behavior," wrote Wayne Besen, executive director of the homosexual advocacy group Truth Wins Out. "What PFOX did was warped, twisted and an insult (sic) real hate crime victims."
Griggs said at the time, "The gays became infuriated when our ex-gay volunteers testified about leaving homosexuality. … One gay man went so far as to hit our ex-gay volunteer because he refused to recant his ex-gay testimony."
Ex-gay bashing.
Griggs has also complained that ex-gay bashing is now happening in the United States Postal System. Major education groups, she explains, are returning her correspondence and applications to participate in their events unopened! "They take one look at our return address and reject the mail.
More ex-gay bashing.
The WND Christian News Service reports that "Those who condemn homosexuality also face electronic badgering. When Sally Kern, the Oklahoma lawmaker who rejected the homosexual lifestyle as a threat to the nation, was inundated with tens of thousands of e-mails in a coordinated attack on her beliefs. Some of the e-mails threatened her.
Electronic ex-gay bashing. Ouch.
Griggs explains that the homosexualist movement is becoming more aggressive in teaching that homosexuality is something people are born with, not something they choose for whatever reasons.
"We have a school board teaching homosexuality is innate. We have judges ruling schools are not required to teach fact-based [sex education] information," she said. "Basically they are silencing anyone who holds a different opinion. Their sole concern is about advancing that homosexuality is normal, natural and healthy and should have all the equal benefits of marriage.
"If you come at it from a Christian perspective, that makes you a homophobe," she said, citing the case of a University of Toledo administrator who was fired for expressing her personal Christian testimony regarding homosexuality.
"They're not seeking equality; they're seeking total control," she said.
National statistics on crimes victimizing those who are leaving the homosexual lifestyle are virtually untracked, but a federal study does reveal that there is a level of violence involving same-sex partners--and PFOX, EXODUS INTERNATIONAL and the Allens are telling folks that this is confirmation of ex-gay bashing. When an ex-gay tells his or her partner that he's found Christ and is leaving for heterosexuality, the scorned same-sex partner all too often resorts to violence.
"It is time," says PFOX, "for the FBI to look into this and see it for what it is, a growing epidemic of ex-gay bashing."
"Furthermore," explains Griggs, "The Day of Truth is simply a day of counter-cultural political activism. A day of silence would almost be okay if it was about all bullying, all intolerance, and all discrimination, but it is not. What about the harassment of the goofy looking guy with glasses, or the person with a big wart on her neck, or the one with too many ugly pimples, or wimps, or nerds, or those who wear black cloaks and look like gangsters, or all the others who are often harassed because of appearance or speech problem or whatever? Gays are certainly not the only ones silenced, harassed, bullied, alienated, or isolated. A lot of kids have been murdered by others kids because of being harassed before and since the Columbine massacre. Why is their not a national day of protest for them? Because gays are the only group with a corporate funded political agenda."
"Each year thousands of men and women with same-sex attractions make the personal decision to leave homosexuality by means of reparative therapy, ex-gay ministry or group counseling. Their choice is one only they can make. However, there are others who refuse to respect that choice, and endeavor to attack the ex-gay community. Consequently, ex-gays are subject to an increasingly hostile environment where they are reviled or attacked as perpetrators of hate and discrimination simply because they dare to exist," Griggs said.
I've often written about the horrors of gay bashing. I wanted to provide fair balance. Ex-gays are living in terror. At night they have vision of hunky sugar plum fairies with huge wands dancing in their heads and when awake during the day they are now being hounded by vengeful homosexual hit queers. We need to show some compassion. The next time you're confronted by an ex-gay, please don't get angry. Please. Instead take him in your arms and give him a great big loving bear hug--and while you're holding him close, drive your knee into the fucking idiot's nuts.
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